Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
239 lines
** <<< Morse Code Functions >>>
** Written by Michael M. Dodd, N4CF, and placed in the public domain.
** The morse() function transmits a string in Morse code on the IBM PC's
** speaker. The speed is set by a program constant (UNIT_TIME).
** There are several other functions in this file, all used by morse(),
** and defined ahead of morse() for convenience.
** The main() function at the end of the file is a test program to send
** the command-line argument string in morse code. Enclose multiple
** words in quotes. Example: morse "hello, world"
** These functions have been compiled and tested in the Small and Large
** memory models using Microsoft C 6.00a.
** Modified for ZTC++, TC++, & BC++ by Bob Stout
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
** These functions turn on and off the CW tone on the PC's speaker. The
** frequency is specified by the freq argument.
** IMPORTANT! These functions are highly IBM PC-specific!
#define CLK_FREQ (1193180L)
#define PIO (0x61)
#define CTC_CMD (0x43)
#define CTC_DATA (0x42)
#define SETUP (0xB6)
#define TONE_ON (0x03)
#define TONE_OFF (0xFC)
void note_on (int freq) /* Turn on the tone. */
int divisor ;
int pio_word ;
divisor = (int)(CLK_FREQ / (long)(freq)) ;
outp (CTC_CMD, SETUP) ;
outp (CTC_DATA, divisor & 0xFF) ;
outp (CTC_DATA, divisor >> 8) ;
pio_word = inp (PIO) ;
outp (PIO, pio_word | TONE_ON) ;
void note_off (void) /* Turn off the tone. */
int pio_word ;
pio_word = inp (PIO) ;
outp (PIO, pio_word & TONE_OFF) ;
** These functions implement a timing-loop delay. Because the PC's
** internal clock is too coarse for accurate CW timing, the pause()
** function uses a simple software loop to produce a delay.
** To minimize the effects of CPU clock speed, the calib() function
** returns a number which represents a rough index of the clock speed
** with relation to the standard IBM PC (this is very approximate).
** Calibration is performed only once, when the static fudge_factor is
** zero. Thereafter, the contents of fudge_factor are used to form a
** delay value.
** IMPORTANT! These functions are highly IBM PC-specific!
unsigned int calib (void)
unsigned int far *timerLow = (unsigned int far *)(0x046c) ;
unsigned int lastTime ;
unsigned int iter ;
for (lastTime = *timerLow; lastTime == *timerLow;)
for (iter = 0, lastTime = *timerLow; lastTime == *timerLow; iter++)
#if defined(__ZTC__)
return ((unsigned int)((125L * ((long)(iter)) + 50L) / 2300L)) ;
#elif defined(__TURBOC__)
return ((unsigned int)((77L * ((long)(iter)) + 50L) / 2300L)) ;
#else /* assume MSC */
return ((unsigned int)((100L * ((long)(iter)) + 50L) / 2300L)) ;
void pause (unsigned int amount)
static unsigned int fudge_factor = 0 ;
unsigned long ul ;
if (fudge_factor == 0) /* Calibrate the speed. */
fudge_factor = calib () ;
ul = (unsigned long)(amount) * (long)(fudge_factor) ;
while (ul--) /* Delay. */
** These functions transmit a dot, a dash, a letter space, and a
** word space.
** Note that a single unit space is automatically transmitted after
** each dot or dash, so the ltr_space() function produces only a
** two-unit pause.
** Also, the word_space() function produces only a four-unit pause
** because the three-unit letter space has already occurred following
** the previous letter.
#define SPACE_MASK (1 << 15)
#define BIT_MASK (0xfe)
#define UNIT_TIME (18)
#define FREQUENCY (1500)
void send_dot (void) /* Send a dot and a space. */
note_on (FREQUENCY) ;
pause (UNIT_TIME) ;
note_off () ;
pause (UNIT_TIME) ;
void send_dash (void) /* Send a dash and a space. */
note_on (FREQUENCY) ;
pause (UNIT_TIME * 3) ;
note_off () ;
pause (UNIT_TIME) ;
void ltr_space (void) /* Produce a letter space. */
pause (UNIT_TIME * 2) ;
void word_space (void) /* Produce a word space. */
pause (UNIT_TIME * 4) ;
** MORSE () - Transmit a string in Morse code
** This function transmits the string pointed to by the cp argument in
** Morse code on the PC's speaker. The speed is set by the UNIT_TIME
** constant.
** A static table translates from ASCII to Morse code. Each entry is
** an unsigned integer, where a zero represents a dot and a one
** represents a dash. No more than 14 bits may be used. Setting bit
** 15 produces a word space, regardless of any other pattern.
** The Morse code pattern is taken from bit 0, and is shifted right
** each time an element is sent. A special "marker bit" follows the
** complete Morse pattern. This marker bit is tested before
** transmitting each bit; if there are no 1's in bits 1..15, the
** complete character has been sent.
** For example, an "L" would be 0000000000010010, with bit zero
** containing the first dot, bit one the dash, etc. The marker
** bit is in bit 4.
void morse (char *cp)
unsigned int c ;
static unsigned int codes [64] = {
SPACE_MASK, /* Entry 0 = space (0x20) */
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* ! " # $ % & " ( */
0, 0, 0, 115, 49, 106, 41, /* ) * + , - . / */
63, 62, 60, 56, 48, 32, 33, 35, /* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 */
39, 47, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 76, /* 8 9 : ; < = > ? */
0, 6, 17, 21, 9, 2, 20, 11, /* @ A B C D E F G */
16, 4, 30, 13, 18, 7, 5, 15, /* H I J K L M N O */
22, 27, 10, 8, 3, 12, 24, 14, /* P Q R S T U V W */
25, 29, 19 /* X Y Z */
} ;
pause (0) ; /* Calibrate pause() function. */
while ((c = *cp++) != '\0')
c = toupper (c) ; /* No lower-case Morse characters. */
c -= ' ' ; /* Adjust for zero-based table. */
if (c < 0 || c > 58) /* If out of range, ignore it. */
continue ;
c = codes[c] ; /* Look up Morse pattern from table. */
if (c & SPACE_MASK) /* If the space bit is set.. */
{ /* ..send a word space and go on. */
word_space () ;
continue ;
while (c & BIT_MASK) /* Transmit one character. */
{ /*--- TRANSMIT EACH BIT ---*/
if (c & 1)
send_dash () ;
else send_dot () ;
c >>= 1 ;
} /*--- TRANSMIT EACH BIT ---*/
ltr_space () ; /* Send a space following character. */
** This is the test program, which transmits argv[1] in Morse code.
void main (int argc, char *argv[])
if (argc > 1)
morse (argv[1]) ;